Delta-T Charts

When discussing delta-T the phrase can mean temperature rise or temperature drop. This term could also refer to boiler or system temperature changes. The temperature rise in the boiler has mostly to do with BTU input, thermal transfer, and fluid flow. Boiler input and delta-t are set by manufacturers in high efficiency boilers and cast-iron boilers are usually between a 20f and 40f rise.

System temperature drop is dependent on fluid flow rate, fluid temperature, heat emitter (radiation) construction , amount of installed radiation and air flow. System delta-T is usually between 15f and 40f dependent on heat emitter type and application. Through nonfan style emitters as the flow decreases the output decreases. If the flow increases the emitter output increases. When hot water is passed through a coil and air passed across the coil the btu output is affected by fluid flow and air flow through and around the coil.

Heat emitters vary greatly in style and construction. To name a few they consist of copper tube/aluminum fin baseboard, steel pipe /steel fins, cast iron radiators and baseboard, radiant tubing, and hydro-air duct or cabinet coils.

20F Delta-T Chart

40f Delta-T Chart

You can measure delta-T increase or decrease with accurate thermometers. To calculate flow, you would need to use the Hydraulic Formula.